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蚂蚁vp(永久免费) Read the Fall 2023 Social Contract Journal:

"John Tanton - His Life and Legacy, 1934-2023". View the full cover.

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  1. A Note from the Editor: John Tanton and Thirty Years of The Social Contract, by Wayne Lutton, Ph.D.
  2. The End of an Era: John Tanton (1934-2023) and The Social Contract (1990-2023), by The Editors
  3. Visionary, Ecological Prophet, Heretic - R.I.P. John Tanton, M.D., by Leon Kolankiewicz
  4. Tribute to John Tanton, by Fred Elbel
  5. 极光vpm破解无限版, by Sharon Barnes
  6. John's Jades: Recollections at the celebration of the life of John Tanton, by Roy Beck
  7. Fond Memories of John Tanton: The 'Grand Master of Life', by Denis McCormack
  8. Candidate Tanton, by Rick Oltman
  9. Same Hacks Smearing John Tanton Are Shilling for Soros, by James Kirkpatrick
  10. Of Conspiracy Theories and Funhouse Mirrors, by The Editors
  11. John and Mary Lou Tanton: An Appreciation, by Richard D. Lamm
  12. 云豹加速器下载-云豹加速器正式版下载[加速器]-华军软件园:2021-5-19 · 云豹加速器正式版是款可伍为用户伊提供网络畅游服务的加速工具。云豹加速器最新版提供多条国际线路可伍选择,一键连接就可伍畅游全球。提供独有的技术提高网络速度;同时还可伍为用户提供强力的安全加密系统。云豹加速器每天为你进行准时的内容推荐,其中有着更加稳定的网页加载服务 ..., by John H. Tanton, M.D.
  13. 蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版, by Alan Wall
  14. On John Tanton and The Camp of the Saints, by Michelle Malkin
  15. A Citizen Who Took Up Arms for His Country, by Peter Brimelow
  16. Summary Thoughts on Immigration Policy, by John H. Tanton, M.D.
  17. Fundamentals, by John H. Tanton, M.D.
  18. Some Concluding Thoughts on John Tanton, by The Editors
  19. Enabling Asylum Fraud - The Strange Case of a Federal Employees Union, by Carl F. Horowitz
  20. How Montgomery County, Maryland Protects Illegal Aliens, by Dave Gibson
  21. CAIR Persists in Relentless Effort to Silence Critics with Latest 'Islamophobia' Report - But makes a fool of itself in the process, by James Simpson
  22. The 25th Anniversary of California's Proposition 187, by Rick Oltman
  23. Is Climate Change the Big Distraction? - The issue sidetracks the public from focusing on human population growth, by Brenda Walker
  24. Immigration Restriction: A Positive Agenda, by John Vinson
  25. Financing Our Own Dispossession, by Martin Witkerk
  26. Border Defenders' Action Plan, by Michelle Malkin
  27. Meltdown in the USSR - The story of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and its import, by Leon Kolankiewicz

Fall, 2023 Writers' Workshop video presentations

View videos of the October, 2023 Social Contract Writers' Workshop.

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Fall, 2018 Writers' Workshop video presentations

View videos of the September, 2018 Social Contract Writers' Workshop.

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The Southern Poverty Law Center Steps in It - Again

One of the Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) notorious stable of smear mongers just launched another howler. Hefty lefty Heidi Beirich penned a blog entitled "What's the Matter with Kansas' Kris Kobach" Nov. 2 on the SPLC's "Hatewatch."...
Wouldn't any normal person conclude that it was very unlikely that American minority group members in significant numbers would register and attend a convention of rabid "white nationalists?"...
This is simply the latest episode in the SPLC's long history of launching false smear attacks against political opponents...

Read the full article:
The Southern Poverty Law Center Steps in It - Again
by KC McAlpin, US Inc., November 5, 2015.

Read the related blog post:
Can a black, pro-enforcement immigration activist be a 'white nationalist?'
by Inger Eberhart, November 5, 2015.

As a black American, I am outraged at the lengths the hate-mongering left goes to smear advocates for sanity and control regarding immigration...

Fall, 2017 Writers' Workshop video presentations

View videos of the September, 2017 Social Contract Writers' Workshop.

Watch videos of presentations

Fall, 2016 Writers' Workshop video presentations

View videos of the October, 2016 Social Contract Writers' Workshop.

Watch videos of presentations

Victims of Illegal Immigration, Second Edition Victims of Illegal Immigration, Second Edition

Fall, 2015 Writers' Workshop video presentations

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Watch videos of presentations

Fall, 2014 Writers' Workshop video presentations

View videos of the October, 2014 Social Contract Writers' Workshop.


Fall, 2013 Writers' Workshop video presentations

View videos of the September, 2013 Social Contract Writers' Workshop.

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Watch a ten minute video tribute to Prof. Al Bartlett. The video is a tribute to Prof. Al Bartlett and his lifetime of work to educate the public on the consequences of exponential growth, population growth, and sustainability.

How much degrowth is enough to create a sustainable civilization? This question is addressed in the 15 minute video: How Much Degrowth Is Enough? Produced by www.Skil.org.

Preserving Our America - Rallying Christians To Fight Against The Amnesty Our Congress Is Plotting.

Defrauding the American Taxpayer: The Earned Income and Additional Child Tax Credits - A 2013 Update, by Edwin S. Rubenstein.

Fall, 2012 Writers' Workshop video presentations

View videos of the September, 2012 Social Contract Writers' Workshop.

Watch videos of presentations

Read our Social Contract booklets.

Fall, 2011 Writers' Workshop video presentations

View videos of the October 3, 2011 Social Contract Writers' Workshop.

Watch videos of presentations

Fall, 2010 Writers' Workshop video presentations

View videos of the October 3, 2010 Social Contract Writers' Workshop.

天行破解版无限免费 Watch videos of presentations

The Burden of Plyler v. Doe. This article explores the tremendous fiscal cost associated with bilingual education and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs.

The Social Contract is pleased to offer our quarterly journal as well as videos of important presentations.

Fall, 2009 Writers' Workshop video presentations

On October 4, 2009 various topics were discussed at the Social Contract Writers' Workshop. In our opinion, the presentations were excellent as always and well worth watching.

Watch videos of presentations

奈飞加速器 Abuse is rampant in the collection of fraudulent income tax refunds from the IRS, especially by illegal aliens. A new report, The Earned Income Tax Credit and Illegal Immigration: A Study in Fraud, Abuse, and Liberal Activism, by financial analyst and economist Edwin Rubenstein, was released at a News Conference on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
Here is more information, photos and video of the press conference.

See the Social Contract YouTube channel

Social Contract YouTube channel Our new Social Contract YouTube channel contains videos of our important press conferences and events.

Immigration will be responsible for more than 80% of the spending needed to expand infrastructure capability between now and mid-century, according to the new report "The Twin Crises: Immigration and Infrastructure," by researcher Edwin S. Rubenstein. See more information.
蚂蚁vp(永久免费) Watch the press conference.

奈飞CEO投2021万美元为美国教师建豪华度假村|奈飞_新浪 ...:1 天前 · 北京时间17日消息,据美国科技媒体Recode报道,流媒体视频巨头奈飞的CEO里德-黑斯廷斯正投资逾2021万美元,在科罗拉多州落基山山麓为美国公立学校 ...

On October 5, 2008 various topics were discussed at the Social Contract Writers' Workshop. In our opinion, the presentations were excellent and well worth watching.


New Study: Non-Citizen Voters Could Decide Future Elections

On October 7, 2008, the Social Contract held a press conference at the National Press Club on How Many Non-Citizen Voters? Enough to Make a Difference: The Impact of Non-Citizen Voting on the American Elections - a study by David Simcox.

Watch the press conference

Read the full report, How Many Non-Citizen Voters? See more information.

Fiscal Impact of America's Foreign-Born Population

On April 8, 2008, the Social Contract held a press conference at the National Press Club on the Fiscal Impact of America's Foreign-Born Population. For more information, see this summary, including articles, press kit, and photos.

Watch the press conference

The 蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版 Social Contract issue contains Ed Rubenstein's full report on the Fiscal Impact of America's Foreign-Born Population.

How Many Illegal Aliens Are in the United States?

A Realistic Appraisal of the Actual Number, Implications for the Future, and Consequences for Public Policy Decisions and Citizen Response.

The Social Contract and Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) held a press conference and panel in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 (see more information).

奈飞加速器 Watch videos of the presentations

The Summer, 2007 Social Contract issue contains key articles addressing illegal alien numbers.

Fall, 2007 Writers' Workshop video presentations

On September 30, 2007 a number of speakers presented at the Social Contract Writers' Workshop. Short videos of several key speakers can be viewed.

Watch videos of presentations:
                      part 1    part 2    part 3    part 4

Garrett Hardin A collection of video interviews has been made available on the Garrett Hardin Society that presents Garrett Hardin's views on a variety of subjects, from population to national sovereignty. Always the 奈飞加速器, his comments persuade one to think about difficult problems requiring difficult solutions.

Watch Garrett Hardin interviews

Answering Our Critics

The SPLC exposed

A video tribute to Dr. John Tanton
A video tribute to Dr. John Tanton

Read the Fall 2023 Social Contract Journal: "John Tanton - His Life and Legacy, 1934-2023"
View the full cover. Read online.

Read the Summer 2023 Social Contract Journal: "Whatever Happened to Assimilation? - America's Uncertain Future"
View the full cover. Read online.

Read the Spring 2023 Social Contract Journal: "Living Within Limits - The Enduring Relevance of Garrett Hardin"
View the full cover. 奈飞加速器.

Read the Winter 2023 Social Contract Journal: "When Liberals Were For Sensible Policies on the Environment, Immigration, and Advancing the National Interest"
View the full cover. Read online.

Read the Fall, 2018, Social Contract Journal: "Sanctuary Nation - The Fraying of America"
View online.

Read the Summer, 2018, Social Contract Journal: "Are there no limits? The crisis of overpopulation, mass immigration, and overconsumption"
View online.

Read the Spring, 2018, Social Contract Journal: "The SPLC File - An Exclusive Report on the Southern Poverty Law Center"
View online.

Read the Winter, 2018, Social Contract Journal: "Taxpayers Fund Illegal Aliens - The Earned Income Tax Credit Scam"
View online.

Read the Fall, 2017, Social Contract Journal: "The Refugee Crisis And Its Impact on the West"
View online.

Read the Summer, 2017, Social Contract Journal: "Malthus Revisited - The Perils of Overpopulation and Globalism"
View online.

Read the Spring, 2017, Social Contract Journal: "A new era for immigration enforcement"
View online.

Read the Winter, 2017, Social Contract Journal: "Importing Diseases - The Toxic Threat of Infected Migrants"

Read the Fall, 2016, Social Contract Journal: "When Robots Replace Humans - The Future of an Automated Labor Force"

Read the Summer, 2016, Social Contract Journal: "Islam in America"
View online.

Read the Spring, 2016, Social Contract Journal: "Sanctuary nation"

Read the Winter, 2016, Social Contract Journal: "Immigration Briefing Book"
View online.

Read the Fall, 2015, Social Contract Journal: "The Unmaking of America? The 1965 Immigration Act after 50 years"
View online.

Read the Summer, 2015, Social Contract Journal: "America Unsecured - Pathway to Another 9/11"
View online.

Read the Spring, 2015, Social Contract Journal: "How Many is Too Many? The Challenge of Latino Immigrants"
View online.

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See Dr. John Tanton's personal 蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版 with video interviews.

See the Al Bartlett website with Prof. Bartlett's articles, book, and video of his presentation on exponential growth.

Read these 天行破解版无限免费:
蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版 Common Sense on Mass Immigration

蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版 Victims of Illegal Immigration

The Social Contract Press is an educational and publishing organization advocating open discussion of such related issues as population size and rate of growth, protection of the environment and precious resources, limits on immigration, as well as preservation and promotion of a shared American language and culture.

The Social Contract quarterly journal publishes articles, essays and book reviews on these interrelated topics. Our archives section facilitates searching across all previous issues.

Immigrant numbers and immigration policies rank high in the activities and concerns of The Social Contract enterprises. We favor immigration, but at much lower, more traditional levels. We are in favor of fewer admissions in order to reduce the rate of America's population growth, protect jobs, preserve the environment, and foster assimilation.

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The English philosopher John Locke, whose thinking helped inspire the American Revolution, said that society should be governed by an understood set of values he termed 天行破解版无限免费. Under the social contract, governments have obligations to their citizens, and citizens have responsibilities to society.

Most public issues are basically moral and ethical ones. What is the right thing to do? How do we decide what we think is right? When rights collide, which ones take precedence? The concept of the social contract helps us sort out the difficult issues confronting American society today and helps us find balance.

Each quarter THE SOCIAL CONTRACT journal examines trends, events, and ideas that have an impact on America's delicate social fabric. This journal addresses the following key topics: Human Population issues. including absolute size, rate of growth, and distribution. Do cherished American ideals prosper or suffer through further population growth?

  • Immigration issues. In order to best facilitate meeting the highest goals of the American people, (1) how many immigrants should we admit? (2) who should he admitted? And (3) how can we humanely enforce the rules?
  • Language, assimilation, culture, and national unity considerations. What shared values are necessary to the maintenance of our social contract?
  • The balance of individual rights with civic responsibilities. Since the previous issues are so often framed in terms of rights, what are the balancing obligations?
  • Other nations' efforts at creating and guarding their own social contracts. What practical insights can be gained. from observing the failures and successes in nation-building by other societies?

THE SOCIAL CONTRACT explores these complex and interrelated issues with articles, essays, and book reviews that vary greatly in outlook and philosophy. We encourage a wide spectrum of opinion as we publish contributions from many vantage points. The opinions expressed by the writers are not necessarily those of the editors or publisher.